Thailand 1 Worldometers, accessed Feb 2016 2 CIA World Factbook, Jun 2015 3 Facebook Audience Insights Tool, 6 Dec 2015 – 6 Jan 2016 4 Division of Research and Development System, Office of Development and Structure, Department of Local Administration, accessible: (1) 2014. Searched 6 Feb 2015 In Thailand 5 6 7 International Telecommunication Union, ComScore via UBS, Nielsen's global survey of e-commerce (Q1 2014), eMarketer, Trend Marco, MasterCard, Paypal, VECITA, A.T. Kearney 8 eMarketer, Jun 2015 9 Based on Facebook data, Mar 2016 10 Newzoo Global Games Market Report, 2015 11 "Fueled by Growing Demand for Smart Wearables, IDC Forecasts Worldwide Wearable Shipments to Reach 173.4 Million by 2019" by IDC, 14 Sep 2015 12 Thais on Facebook, TNS (commissioned by Facebook), Jun 2014. N = 1005 13 Global-ecommerce-payments-guide",, 2015 14 Multi-device Study" by GfK (Facebook-commissioned study of people ages 18-54 who use a smartphone, tablet, desktop or laptop at least once a week in AU, TH and TW), Oct-Nov 2015 CRCROSOSSS-BORDER BUSINES-BORDER BUSINESS HANDBOOKS HANDBOOK

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