NOTES Digital shoppers (millions) Mobile advertising spending Aged 14+: Internet users who have browsed, (% of total digital advertising spending) researched or compared products digitally via Includes displays (banners, videos and rich any device during the calendar year but have media) and search; includes advertising not necessarily bought digitally. spending on tablets; excludes SMS, MMS and P2P messaging-based advertising. Retail e-commerce sales (millions) Includes products or services ordered using Digital travel sales (millions) the Internet via any device, regardless of the Includes leisure and unmanaged business travel method of payment or fulfilment; excludes sales booked via any device travel and event tickets. Internet users (millions) Gamer size Individuals of any age who use the Internet All people that play games on a PC, console or from any location via any device at least once mobile device. per month. Digital advertising spending Retail sales (millions) (% of total media advertising spending) Excludes travel and event tickets. Includes classifieds, displays (banners/static displays, rich media, sponsorships and videos) Smartphone users (millions) and search (contextual text links, paid inclusion and paid listings); includes advertising that Individuals of any age who own at least one appears on desktop and laptop computers as smartphone and use the smartphone(s) at well as mobile phones and tablets in all formats least once per month. mentioned. CROSS-BORDER BUSINESS HANDBOOK

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