NORTH AMERICA | Food and Drink CONVERSATION OVER TIME (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) AGE (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) GENDER (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Methane YOY growth* 1.3x 18-34 13% 40% 60% Flexitarianism Female Male 35-54 31% 86 People in the US are becoming increasingly environment and their bodies without nixing 2018 2019 55+ 56% aware of their impact on the environment and, their favorite dishes. A survey across the US 85 87 in turn, are working to eat more sustainably. reports that one third of Americans now Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 88 89 While cutting out animal products is widely consider themselves “flexitarian,” adopting a regarded as a way to reduce methane plant-based diet while occasionally indulging in Pea Protein 90 emissions that contribute to a warming climate, animal products. Many people are replacing many people don’t want to sacrifice entire some meat with pea protein and other YOY growth* 1.1x 18-34 26% groups of food. substitutes, saving meat for special occasions. 84% 16% So a new wave in food is relaxing the rules of As people look to care for their bodies and the Female Male dieting and allowing people to dabble in veg- environment, these flexible diets allow them to 35-54 55% heavy routines that help them do better by the have it all. 2018 2019 55+ 19% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Plant-Based Diet 85 Jane E. Brody, “A Guide to Sustainable Eating,” The New York Times, April 8, 2019. 86 “Plant-based Proteins - US - May 2019,” by Mintel, May 2019. YOY growth* 87 Zoya Gervis, “One third of Americans consider themselves ‘flexitarian,’” New York Post, October 26, 2018. 1.1x 18-34 27% 88 Monica Watrous, “What we’ll be eating in 2021, according to robots,” Food Business News, October 29, 2019. 74% 26% 89 Lavanya Ramanathan, “How ‘plant-based’ rebranded vegan eating for the mainstream,” The Washington Post, February 15, 2019. Female Male 90 Larissa Zimberoff, “The Rise of the Pea: How an Unassuming Legume Emerged as a Frontrunner in the Race to Replace Meat and 35-54 47% Dairy,” Time, August 15, 2019. Source unless otherwise stated: Facebook data, people ages 18+, US, Jan 2018–Jun 2019. All topics chosen grew from June 2018 through June 2018 2019 55+ 26% 2019. The topics are presented in the original language as they appeared in our data set. We have included a translation next to some terms to clarify their meaning. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 *Growth rates compare the total volume of the last month to the total volume of the same month in the previous year (Jun 2019 over Jun 2018). The 2020 Topics and Trends Report From Facebook IQ 32

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