ASIA PACIFIC | Food and Drink CONVERSATION OVER TIME (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) AGE (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) GENDER (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) AUSTRALIA Gastrointestinal Tract YOY growth* 1.2x 18-34 23% 76% 24% Straight to the Gut Female Male 35-54 51% 3 55+ 26% Australia is a leader in wellness trends to other fermented products like kimchi and 2018 2019 (avocado toast, anyone?), and recently, the even cultured butter to boost gut health gut has taken center stage. naturally. And since dietary fiber promotes Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 healthy gut flora, people are not only eating 1 Research linking gut health to the kidneys, more produce, but swapping out traditional Gut Flora heart and brain has inspired Australians pasta and other foods for high-fiber varieties; to explore ways to ensure overall health one company selling chickpea and lentil- 1.4x by maximizing good bacteria inside the 4 YOY growth* 18-34 18% based pasta is one of the fastest-growing 76% 24% gastrointestinal tract. food purveyors in Australia. Female Male Kefir, a fermented yogurt drink rich in friendly Viewing the gut as a gateway to overall health, 35-54 54% 2 microbiota, is surging in popularity on grocery Australians are seeking out ways to promote shelves and in cafés, and people are looking health from the inside out. 2018 2019 55+ 28% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Microbiota YOY growth* 1.2x 18-34 16% 77% 23% 1 Freya Petersen, “The war inside your gut,” ABC Australia, March 29, 2019. Female Male 2 Lucy Rennick, “Have you heard about the traditional Eastern European drink that’s now trending in Australia?” SBS, February, 12, 2019. 35-54 57% 3 “Get cultured : 12 ways to improve your gut health naturally,“ The Guardian Labs, July 9, 2019. 4 Sue Mitchell, “The Millennials showing Big Food a clean pair of heels,” Financial Review, September 18, 2019. 55+ 27% Source unless otherwise stated: Facebook data, people ages 18+, AU, Jan 2018–Jun 2019. All topics chosen grew from June 2018 through June 2018 2019 2019. The topics are presented in the original language as they appeared in our data set. We have included a translation next to some terms to clarify their meaning. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 *Growth rates compare the total volume of the last month to the total volume of the same month in the previous year (Jun 2019 over Jun 2018). The 2020 Topics and Trends Report From Facebook IQ 8

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