EUROPE | Food and Drink CONVERSATION OVER TIME (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) AGE (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) GENDER (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) GERMANY Veggie-Burger YOY growth* 2.4x 18-34 25% 56% 44% Meat, Evolved Female Male 35-54 60% 29 55+ 15% Germany is known for its meat-centric cuisine. vast quantities of veggie “meat” to appease 2018 2019 But in recent years, people across the country the national palate. This year, a leading have adopted veg-heavy diets for health and German meat company debuted a line of Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 30 31 environmental reasons, giving the country one vegan “deli meats” ; a vegan butcher shop is 28 of the highest rates of vegetarianism on the thriving in Berlin; and in a recent survey, 20% Vegetarismus | Vegetarianism planet. And this momentum has inspired local of Germans under the age of 24 reported that 32 companies to produce more vegan packaged they had purchased meat alternatives like foods than any country in the world. veggie burgers in recent months. 1.5x YOY growth* 18-34 21% 57% 43% Still, the meat-loving tradition holds. To replace As environmental awareness mounts, Germans Female Male animal products, Germany is also producing are developing a taste for sustainability. 35-54 55% 2018 2019 55+ 24% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Fleisch | Meat 1.3x YOY growth* 18-34 23% 28 Benjamin Elisha Sawe. “Countries With The Highest Rates Of Vegetarianism.” WorldAtlas, September 20, 2019. 55% 45% 29 “The rise of meat substitutes,” DW, November 6, 2019. Female Male 30 Nicole Axworthy, “GERMAN MEAT GIANT TO DEBUT VEGAN DELI MEAT,” VegNews, March 10, 2019. 35-54 53% 31 “Virtual Wurst: A vegan butcher in Berlin,” DW, February 5, 2018. 32 “Germany continues to dominate global vegan new product development,” Mintel, July 30, 2018. 55+ 24% Source unless otherwise stated: Facebook data, people ages 18+, DE, Jan 2018–Jun 2019. All topics chosen grew from June 2018 through June 2018 2019 2019. The topics are presented in the original language as they appeared in our data set. We have included a translation next to some terms to clarify their meaning. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 *Growth rates compare the total volume of the last month to the total volume of the same month in the previous year (Jun 2019 over Jun 2018). The 2020 Topics and Trends Report From Facebook IQ 16

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