EUROPE | Mind and Body CONVERSATION OVER TIME (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) AGE (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) GENDER (Jan 2018–Jun 2019) UNITED KINGDOM Trail Running 1.3x YOY growth* 18-34 23% 51% 49% Fitness Is Fun Female Male 35-54 68% Following a trend pioneered in the US, a new Outside of the boutique fitness world, people 55+ 9% 39 2018 2019 crop of boutique fitness centers is bringing are attending trail running festivals in Surrey the UK workout into a party setting, helping and Wales, which combine fitness with musical Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 people blow off steam and have fun while they acts, confirming that a runner’s high is enough get in shape. for a great weekend. Strength Training Popular studios are hosting dance-based And business is booming: In 2019, the UK 37 1.1x YOY growth* classes under neon lights with glow sticks, health and fitness market value exceeded 18-34 44% 40 43% 57% and silent disco bootcamps are inspiring £5bn for the first time and is poised for more people to get out and move. One US export growth as fun fitness opportunities proliferate. Female Male is even replacing pub crawls with sweat 35-54 51% crawls38—traveling workouts that hit multiple fitness clubs for cardio and strength training 2018 2019 55+ 5% instead of bars for drinks. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Neon 1.3x YOY growth* 18-34 38% 37 Hilary Mitchell, “People in Edinburgh are raving about this new type of exercise class where you dance yourself fit,” Edinburgh Live, 59% 41% January 3, 2019. Female Male 38 Shirin Kale, “Squat party: how the gym became the new nightclub,” The Guardian, July 31, 2018. 35-54 49% 39 Oliver Balch, “Natural high: The music festival for trail runners,” Financial Times, July 19, 2019. 40 Tom Walker, “Report: UK fitness sector worth £5bn, penetration rate hits 15 per cent,” Leisure Opportunities, May 17, 2019. 55+ 13% Source unless otherwise stated: Facebook data, people ages 18+, UK, Jan 2018–Jun 2019. All topics chosen grew from June 2018 through June 2018 2019 2019. The topics are presented in the original language as they appeared in our data set. We have included a translation next to some terms to clarify their meaning. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 *Growth rates compare the total volume of the last month to the total volume of the same month in the previous year (Jun 2019 over Jun 2018). The 2020 Topics and Trends Report From Facebook IQ 18

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