THEIR STORY THEIR SOLUTION Fee-free transfers Testing a new combination Developed by the people behind Skype and Conversion lift tests accurately capture the The adverts featured TransferWise's impact of Facebook adverts by comparing usual fee-slashing messaging and used PayPal, and described by Richard Branson as conversions in a randomised test group to the Facebook conversion pixel to track a "disruptive innovation in financial services", those from a control group. In this study, which adverts directly generated leads people in the test group saw both video and registrations. TransferWise targeted TransferWise allows people to send money adverts and DR link adverts, while those in experts living in Australia and used Lookalike abroad without incurring hidden fees. the control group saw only the video adverts. Audiences to identify additional potential customers. THEIR GOAL THEIR SUCCESS Better together? Right on the money TransferWise wanted to understand if using a Overall, Facebook drove significant lifts • 24% higher lift in registrations direct response (DR) approach alongside video in incremental leads, registrations and (video adverts + DR link adverts versus new users. And the results showed that – video only) adverts would work better than video alone in compared to video alone – combining video • 18% lower cost per incremental driving leads and registrations. and link adverts was far more successful at registration (video adverts + DR link generating new leads and registrations, as well adverts versus video only) as a lower cost per incremental registration. • 90% lift in incremental registrations Key numbers from the campaign, which ran • 2x higher lift in new leads (video adverts for four weeks from August 2015, included: +DR link adverts versus video only) • 2.5x lift in mobile app installs CROSS-BORDER BUSINESS HANDBOOK

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