Going global with Facebook People around the world are more connected than ever. In 2012, begins with basic demographic information, followed by notable there were only 2.7 billion people on the Internet. By 2018, that industry information that includes various business sizes, the 1 scale of online shoppers, the number of smartphone users and number is expected to be 3.82 billion – a growth of 30%. And last year, more than 900 million people around the world had at more. Then, consumer behaviours on Facebook are covered. 2 For example, you'll learn that the top categories discovered least one international connection on social media. These globally connected people are becoming global by Facebook users in France are entertainment, cosmetics, 6 consumers. 361 million people worldwide have participated tech and luxury fashion. And that 70% of Malaysians surveyed in cross-border e-commerce and 429 million are international have seen or searched for information on Facebook before 7 3 purchasing. travellers. 4 There's never been a better time to reach new customers and With 1.7 billion monthly active users – one-fifth of the world's new markets. We hope that you use this handbook to take population – Facebook is uniquely positioned to help you advantage of the opportunities your business has around the reach your customers, wherever they are. People on Facebook globe with the power of Facebook. and Instagram are at the centre of personal connection and discovery. They are open to learning about new products. 1 According to our research, around 50 million businesses use eMarketer Apr 2016 2 "Digital Globalization, The New Era of Global Flows", McKinsey Global Institute, Feb 2016 3 Facebook to find customers, and 30 per cent of their fans are "Digital Globalization, The New Era of Global Flows", McKinsey Global Institute, Feb 2016 4 5 Facebook 1st Quarter Report, 2016 from other countries. 5 Facebook Internal Data, Dec 2015 6 EMEA Country Profile Study, GfK (Commissioned by Facebook), France, December 2015, N=1000 7 This cross-border business handbook was created to help you Malaysian on Facebook, TNS Study (Commissioned by Facebook), 2014. N = 1069 discover how Facebook can help your business grow. You'll find a wide range of information to help you communicate effectively with potential customers around the world. Each country section