THEIR STORY THEIR SOLUTION We go beyond Precise advert placements Air China is China's national flag carrier for civil This was the first time that Air China used Its eye-catching adverts also drew attention Facebook for direct response advertising to discounts and offers. These adverts were aviation and the country's leading civil airline. to promote ticket sales, with the aim of precisely targeted to reach different target As a member of Star Alliance, Air China offers improving Air China's brand awareness in audience groups, using Custom Audiences overseas markets and generating greater for frequent flyers and website Custom flights to 90 domestic cities and more than return on investment. Audiences for online visitors. To achieve even 50 cities worldwide. Air China used creative images and text better results, Air China took the extra step that showed scenic destinations in China, of pinpointing Chinese customers living or its extensive network coverage and its new staying abroad. aircraft. THEIR GOAL THEIR SUCCESS Come fly with me Greater returns Air China not only wanted to enhance its brand Air China's return on investment has turned • 27x return on advertising investment image via Facebook, but also to use Facebook out to be up to 6x greater with Custom overall Audiences than with standard target settings. • 109x return on advertising investment Adverts to drive international ticket sales and As a result of the campaign, which ran after using Custom Audiences make Air China the first-choice airline for flying between August – September 2014, Air China • 1.28x profit generated compared to other achieved: digital media to China. • 55% of people who saw the advert on their mobile phone went on to complete transactions on their computers CROSS-BORDER BUSINESS HANDBOOK

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