THEIR STORY THEIR SOLUTION A singular spirit Creative timing Created in Sweden in 1879, Absolut Vodka is Absolut teamed up with Facebook's Creative Absolut selected the best videos to run as Shop to design a video series that played to Instagram adverts, timing them to run on famously dedicated to its single-source heritage a trendy crowd, while celebrating the brand's Labor Day weekend to capture the end-of- and purity. Today, the brand is a global leader, iconic past. summer celebration crowd. known for its iconic bottle and its artistic Each Friday, Absolut launched a new As the campaign came to a close, the team Facebook video advert linking to the Spark ran an Instagram Marquee advert, which marketing for its spirits. Absolut's Spark bottle is a bottle eCommerceportal. The team used created a single-day sensation with multiple limited edition multi-faceted bottle featuring a light Facebook's targeting tools to reach people high-reaching prime-slot posts. Absolut aged 21 to 49 in 18 focus states, who typically reached a mass audience of mobile users in the bottom that creates a glittering night out. buy alcohol and drink on-premises, are aged 21+, ensuring maximum impact for the interested in distilled spirits and typically Spark bottle finale. order specific brands. Absolut's campaign sparkled, prompting a To drive more interest and reach a younger 5-point lift in brand awareness with Instagram demographic at the campaign's mid-point, and a 33-point lift in advert recall with the THEIR GOAL Instagram Marquee advert. Sparking interest "We turned to Instagram because we wanted the launch of our limited edition Spark bottle to Looking for a way to cause a sensation in the stand out and drive digital and real-world love for the product and brand, by connecting the high-end spirits category, Absolut wanted product with the occasion. Using Instagram's dynamic platform has helped us build a direct path to the consumer, and entice drinkers to engage both digitally and at retail. Maintaining edge is to drive awareness and interest in its Spark key to engaging, recruiting and retaining millennial drinkers, and Absolut strives for this through illuminated bottle, encouraging people to "spark all of our communication efforts." up your night" – whether they're entertaining Nick Guastaferro and enjoying time at home or out with friends. Brand Director, Absolut Vodka CROSS-BORDER BUSINESS HANDBOOK

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