It's never too early to start planning your cross-border campaigns. Make sure you have the right tools in place, test your creative for different countries and understand your customers' behaviour before the campaign launch. Leverage Facebook's strategic insights about your customers Use this handbook or Audience Insights to better understand retail brands and live in the suburbs of specific geographic locations. your current and potential customers. These insights – including Armed with this information, you'll be able to tailor your message demographics, location, interests, psychographics and purchase more effectively when targeting these potential customers. behaviour – can help inform your creative strategy when targeting people in different countries. You may discover, for example, that high lifetime value (LTV) customers are 70% female, like high-end Identify key audience segments Determine which audience segments you will want to reach members and email subscribers. By segmenting your audience as well as how best to connect with them. For example, you into distinct categories, you can build different advertising might want to build different advertising campaigns for campaigns and target each segment with tailored creative that your potential new customers, high LTV customers, loyalty is most likely to resonate with them. Design for mobile More and more people are expected to shop on mobile and creative on mobile and optimise your mobile web and more than ever. Advertisers should adapt their marketing, app purchase experiences. Ensure your creative aligns with measurement and purchase experiences for mobile. an audience on the go. In addition, test separate mobile and While consumers opt for smartphones, tablets or even desktop campaigns and set specific bids for each one. feature phones, advertisers have greater opportunity and more creative spaces to drive discovery and purchases of their products. Take time to test your advertising campaigns

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