THEIR STORY THEIR SOLUTION Personalising mobile Targeting and personalisation Based in Beijing, NewBornTown creates mobile To reach its mobile audience, NewBornTown Instagram in particular allowed the company ran mobile app install adverts across both to reach a younger, mobile-savvy audience. technology that allows people to customise Facebook and Instagram, targeting people NewBornTown personalised its content to their mobile experience. 300 million people globally (with a focus on people living in the suit this group's tastes and their desire for US) who own an Android device (because visual inspiration. around the world use its Solo System apps, Solo Launcher is only available on Android). including its flagship mobile app, Solo Launcher. The company also used location and interests targeting to personalise the adverts. This strategy ensured it efficiently allocated its budget to reach precisely the right people. THEIR GOAL THEIR SUCCESS Crossing borders Boost for installs NewBornTown wanted to grow its business NewBornTown's integrated mobile campaign • 38% more app installs came from by expanding globally and reaching young, (which ran from 1 October to 31 December Facebook than all other digital channels 2015) produced efficiencies and helped the combined mobile-savvy Android owners who live in the company achieve these results in brand-new • 22% lower cost per acquisition from company's priority markets. It wanted to drive overseas markets: Facebook than other digitals channels app installs and lower its cost per install. • 6.7% higher retention rate using Instagram adverts than other digital channels CROSS-BORDER BUSINESS HANDBOOK