THEIR STORY THEIR SOLUTION Flying high for almost a century Home for a new generation Founded in the Queensland Outback in 1920, As the first Australian brand to run both a home: surfing with friends, a day at the photo and video campaign on Instagram, cricket or setting off for a road trip – while Qantas has been awarded the title "world's Qantas developed creative that would the 15-second videos featured raw and safest airline" and has become Australia's largest resonate with the Instagram community of emotive scenes of real people reuniting at the travel-savvy millennials. airport with loved ones. domestic and international aviation company. Qantas crafted imagery that was tailor-made The two-phase campaign successfully drove a for the platform and depicted quintessentially significant lift in advert recall (over 30 points) summer moments – the pastimes that the and a four-point lift in message association target audience enjoy when they return between Qantas and "feels like home." "Integrating Instagram into our media plan allowed us to reach millennials on their mobiles with bespoke photo and video creative that effectively added emotive layers to our core brand THEIR GOAL message." Reconnecting with the "Red Roo" Jo Boundy Head of Digital and Entertainment – Brand, Marketing and Corporate Affairs Qantas used Instagram as a part of its "Feels Qantas Airways Limited Like Home" campaign, to further drive positive sentiment and message association between the brand and travelling home, with a younger 18 to 34-year-old audience. CROSS-BORDER BUSINESS HANDBOOK