More ways to reach the right people Custom Audiences You've got a list of people who already know your business. With Custom Audiences, you can easily target those people on Facebook with specific messaging and creative. Lookalike Audiences Build an audience on Facebook with the same characteristics as the people who already like your business. It's like cloning, but without the scary implications. Audience Network Facebook's Audience Network is a collection of mobile apps where you can serve adverts using the same targeting and measurement tools as on Facebook. So you can extend your advert reach beyond News Feed, to everywhere that your people are. Placement optimisation Reach your target audiences and optimise performance in real time across Facebook, Instagram and the Audience Network. It's a great way to add reach and improve performance. Buy better on mobile Reach and frequency buying Taking inspiration from traditional broadcast buying, Facebook reach and frequency buying lets you predictably manage audience sizes and the number of times they'll see your advert. TRP buying In partnership with Nielsen's Digital Ad Ratings division, we now allow you to buy adverts on Facebook by the same target rating points with which you buy TV. CROSS-BORDER BUSINESS HANDBOOK

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